www.my-calorie-counter.com     The webs free Food Tracker

Monday, December 22, 2008

Mountain Juice and Presidents

So Doug went to the grocery store the other day and bought some Mountain Dew. When Drew got in the fridge he said, "Mom, can I have some Mountain Juice???". It's funny that he thought that's what it's called.
Also, as he has been watching us wrap presents, he says things like, "Are those presidents for me?" and, "Is Santa going to bring me some presidents?". He is silly. Just thought I'd share.....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not so "thanks" giving.

Well, everyone else is writing about it so I thought I would put in my view on our, let's say, "eventful" Thanksgiving. In response to other things that have been said, here is where I stand...
I think I am harder on my family because I care about them. I want the best for them and a lot of the time I expect them to be better than they are because they know better. I am feeling very anxious about the state of the world these days and have a real sense of urgency about everyone in our family's spiritual well-being. It is nothing to take lightly or to put off for another day. I feel like I am the only one in this family who puts importance on church attendance, service and obeying commandments. I know we all have weaknesses and make mistakes, it is a part of life. Everyone knows I am at the top of the sinners list, but I am trying, and it hurts that nobody else seems to care. It just kills me because I know each and every one of our family members has a testimony whether they know it or not, and some still continue to make unwise choices for their lives. I am literally afraid of where we will stand in the last day and I don't want to be without any one of you when this life is over. Losing even one would hurt more than anything. Now is the time to be better, to become stronger, to decide who's side we are on and to live like we actually want to be together forever. So, I'm sorry if it is hard to hear, but that is how I feel. I just hope you all know how much I love and value each one of you.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tag, YO

One word tag

1. Where is your cell phone? Room
2. Where is your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair color? Blondie
4. Your mother? Sweet
5.Your father? Funny
6. Your favorite thing? Family
7. Your dream last night? Forgotten
8. Your dream/goal? Skinny
9. The room you’re in? Dark
10. Your hobby? House
11. Your fear? Family
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Millenium
13. Where were you last night? Caldwell's
14. What you’re not? Sexy
15. One of your wish-list items? Money
16. Where you grew up? O-town
17. The last thing you did? Eat
18. What are you wearing? Mismatched
19. Your TV? Big
20. Your pet? Drew
21. Your computer? Slow
22. Your mood? Thoughtful
23. Missing someone? Mom
24. Your car? Dirty
25. Something you’re not wearing? Underwear.....he he
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? Fun
28. Love someone? Definitely
29. Your favorite color? Turquoise
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday

I tag whoever reads this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Halloween, Trunk or Treat and Birthday!

Well, it is kindof late in posting these, but I thought everyone might want to see the kids' costumes and what we did. Dallin was a ROCKER and Drew was a SOLDIER. They both felt so cool, it was funny. My Mom was here for halloween and she had this cute mask she bought. She made me this yummy dinner I requested and also a pumpkin cake roll for dessert! Ooh it was so yummy, I hardly ever get that. She went way out of her way to make my day special and make me feel loved, so thanks Mom, I'm glad someone loves me (and I am glad I have you!).

We also went to the Trunk or Treat at our church and we had lots of fun! We hauled all of Dallin's friends from our neighborhood with us and I hope they all had a good time. I think they did. They are awesome kids!
We took some pictures of the kids collecting candy and playing at the carnival.

And here are the most beautiful young women I have ever seen! I especially like the shirts......ha ha, I bought them. They are all such awesome girls and I love them and am so proud of their testimonies and activity in the church. They are such an example to me! All in all it was a fantastic B-day. Probably one of the best in recent years. I enjoy being with my family and seeing how excited the kids are and how big they are getting. Dallin just took off this year without me and ditched us for his group of friends. What a big kid he is becoming. I love him.

Also, here is a book review I wanted to add to the Halloween post:
Snappy Little Halloween Snappy Little Halloween by Derek Matthews

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
We have had this book since Dallin was little, and we absolutely love it. It was Dallin's favorite and now it is Drew's favorite too! I have to read it to him like 5 times a day. All the other "Snappy Little" books are fantastic too. Best pop-ups ever! I just ordered the Christmas one on Barnes and Noble.com for $5.95 as a bargain book. They will go fast at that price I'm sure so hurry and get yours! Aren't I a great salesperson? They should hire me.

View all my reviews.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Grandma Hoxer's Funeral

My sweet Grandma Hoxer died last week. She was healthy as a horse so it was quite the shocker. She had a headache all morning but apparently went tap dancing, then went shopping for a car and when she went to leave again, she got in her car and never pulled out. She had suffered a major aneurism. A neighbor noticed her hunched over in the car and called an ambulance. When she got to the hospital she was pretty much gone. They had her on a respirator until the family all arrived.
Once everyone got there that could come, they met with the Doctor. He said there was nothing that could be done for her and the family made the decision to take her off the respirator and let nature take its course. She actually started breathing again when it was taken out, which was a surprise. Her heart kept beating for like 4 more hours or so and she finally quit breathing.
The funeral was great (I think). My Dad asked if I would speak and give a tribute to Grandma. I was glad that they asked me, I was grateful for this last chance to do something for her. I wasn't as close to her as I would have liked to be, so it was very sad. But, I do have to hand it to Lindquist Mortuary.....I have never seen anyone look that great in a casket! She looked absolutely fantastic. Her skin color looked great and there wasn't much makeup caked on. I was totally impressed. It just looked like she was laying there. So thank you, Lindquists, for that.
My cousin, Abby, read the obituary. My sister played the violin, there were several musical numbers, and me, Marnae, Jenasie, Lindsey, Abby, and and Marnae's niece, Amy all sang a couple of songs. Amy and my other cousin, Starlene, accompanied with the flute and piano-they are so talented. Grandma would have loved it.
Grandma loved music the most. Most of her funeral was just enjoying the music she loved. The good news is that we have a testimony that we will see her again and that our family is sealed for eternity. It is very sad, but having a knowledge of the gospel definitely helps. I want my Dad to know I love him and I am so sorry he is hurting right now. I hate seeing him so upset, it just breaks my heart. I wish I could make it all better, but I love you dad!

It WAS very nice seeing the whole family again and experiencing a spritual time with them.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Snow of the Year

Dallin with his friends, Brock and Sara, making snow forts for "battle".

Welcome Benjamin Elijah Hoxer!

Here is the newest member of our family! Blair's wife had his baby on Sept. 26 and it was just such a great experience being there with my little bro.

What a special little baby he is, we are so happy to have a new cousin and nephew. We know Ben will grow up to be strong and smart and healthy. We love you Ben!

Happy Birthday Drew!

Here are some belated birthday pictures of Drew's birthday.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Skipping Rocks by the River

One Sunday afternoon we took a drive up to the South Fork area to have a picnic and enjoy the beautiful Snake River.

We had a fun time playing around in the water....it was freezing!

Doug was showing Dallin how to skip a rock in the water and Drew found a buried car.

We ate some lunch, went exploring and had a great time.....Dallin even got caught off guard by a big snake that was about a foot away from him!

Apple Pickin'

We finally have pictures to put up! I am a little behind, so you will be seeing things from the past few months that I am posting. Anyway, this is us picking apples from our apple tree.
Once we got all the apples picked, we worked hard making applesauce and canning it!
The boys had fun picking the apples, and had even more fun smashing the apples with the grinder and seeing all the "guts" come out.
Our applesauce turned out yummy and it was a fun time with Grandma Kammeyer!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dallin's Darndest

So last week was the Primary Program, I'm sure you are all aware. Dallin had a speaking part that we practiced over and over and over. When he got to the pulpit to say his part, he did fine until he forgot Elder Uchdorf's name. He stood there blank with an embarrassed smile on his face for a second then says quietly to himself (in the microphone so everyone could hear), "Oh, what's his naaaammmme?" and the whole congregation busted up laughing. Then someone came to his rescue and he proceeded with the remainder of his part. When he was finished he puts his mouth right to the microphone with a big old smile and says, "OK. BYE BYE!" real loud and that just topped off the whole thing. I was laughing so hard I was crying and my face was SO red! People around me were laughing and looking at me to see my reaction to that one.
Then while they were singing "Called to Serve", he was marching like a soldier the entire song. Then when it was finished, he stops marching and gives a big salute at the end.
After sacrament people were just cracking up and coming up to us and saying thanks for having Dallin here to give them a good laugh for the day! I just said, "Leave it to Dallin to entertain everyone". What are we gonna do with that little stinker?


My cute sister Lindsey announced Friday that she is expecting another bubba! Here is what she sent everyone via text message. Blair thought it was just her Halloween costume. But HOOORRRRAAAAYYYY! Can't wait to see the little monster!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Well I am no longer in my 20's! OLD!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why I Can't Vote for Obama

SERIOUSLY!!! How can so many people be so blind in this country?!?!?! There is too much scary information about him and people either don't see it or don't care. To me this is a simple sign that represents many problems we see with Barack Obama and his character. I just don't get it. But, according to the media, he will be the next Pres. and this country will deserve everything it gets for being so uninformed, unpatriotic and having such terrible morals! I am definitely not saying I am perfect but I am also not running for President either. I am also not trying to be judgemental. However, I do have that right to judge who I think should lead this country, which is what we are asked to do when we vote.
Now, I should have posted this one a while back and didn't, but I think people need to get a good idea of what they are voting for. Just the description of the partial birth abortion makes me want to puke. Please read the entire post, I completely agree with it all....
And that is my soap box for the day.

Why I Can't Vote For Obama - Huntley Brown-Truth!

Summary of the eRumor:
An email from Christian music artist Huntley Brown stating reasons why he won't vote for Barack Obama.

The Truth:
Huntley Brown is a popular Christian music artist and he told truthorfiction.com that he wrote this email to some friends who were inquiring if he was going to vote for Senator Barack Obama.

Brown said that he wasn't asked if he was going to support the GOP candidate, John McCain, and that this email was primarily directed at his opinion of the Democratic candidate. He also told us that he has problems with both candidates but the differences he has with Senator McCain pale in comparisons with the ones he has with Senator Obama.

Brown did not write this email to influence public opinion nor did he expect his response to be forwarded to others which resulted in wide distribution of his opinion on the super information highway. No matter the outcome of this election, Brown told us, that as a Christian, he could be counted to support the President in prayer every day.

Why I Can't Vote For Obama

By Huntley Brown

Dear Friends,
A few months ago I was asked for my perspective on Obama, I sent out an e-mail with a few points. With the election just around the corner I decided to complete my perspective. Those of you on my e-list have seen some of this before but its worth repeating..
First I must say who ever wins the election will have my prayer support. Obama needs to be commended for his accomplishments but I need to explain why I will not be voting for him.
Many of my friends process their identity through their blackness.
I process my identity through Christ. Being a Christian (a Christ follower) means he leads I follow. I can't dictate the terms he does because he is the leader.
I can't vote black because I am black I have to vote Christian because that's who I am. Christian first black second. Neither should anyone from the other ethnic groups vote because of ethnicity. 200 years from now I wont be asked if I was black or white. I will be asked if I know Jesus and accepted him as Lord and savior.
In an election there are many issues to consider but when a society gets abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, human cloning to name a few wrong economic concerns will soon not matter.
We need to follow Martin Luther King's words don't judge someone by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I don't know Obama so all I can go off is his voting record.
His voting record earned him the title of the most liberal senator in the US Senate in 2007.
NATIONAL JOURNAL: Obama: Most Liberal Senator in 2007 (01/31/2008)
To beat Ted Kennedy and Hilary Clinton as the most liberal senator, takes some doing.
Obama accomplished this feat in 2 short years. I wonder what would happen to America if he had four years to work with.
There is a reason planned parenthood gives him a 100 % ratings.
There is a reason the homosexual community supports him.
There is a reason Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, Hamas etc loves him.
There is a reason he said he would nominate liberal judges to the supreme court.
There is a reason he voted against the infanticide bill.
There is a reason he voted No on the constitutional ban of same-sex marriage.
There is a reason he voted no on partial birth abortion.
There is a reason he voted no on confirming Justices Roberts and Alito. These two judges are conservatives and they have since overturned partial birth abortion. The same practice Obama wanted to continue.
Lets take a look at the practice he wanted to continue.
The 5 Step Partial Birth Abortion procedure
A. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's leg with forceps.
(Remember this is a live baby)
B. The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal.
C. The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head.
D. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole.
E. The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.
God help him.
There is a reason Obama opposed the parent notification law.
Think about this you can't give a kid an aspirin without parental notification but that same kid can have an abortion without parental notification. This is insane.
There is a reason he went to Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years.
Obama tells us he has good judgement but he sat under Jeremiah Wright teaching for 20 years. Now he is condemning Wrights sermons. I wonder why now?
Obama said Jeremiah Wright led him to the Lord and discipled him. A disciple is one in training. Jesus told us in Matthew 28 v 19 - 20 Go and make disciples of all nations. This means reproduce yourself. Teach people to think like you, walk like you, talk like you believe what you believe etc. The question I have is what did Jeremiah Wright teach him?
Would you support a White President who went to a church which has tenants that said they have a
1. Commitment to the White Community
2. Commitment to the White Family
3. Adherence to the White Work Ethic
4. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the White Community .
5. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions
6. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the White Value System
7. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System.”
Would you support a President who went to a church like that?
Just change the word from white to black and you have the tennants of Obamas former church. If President Bush was a member of a church like this, he would be called a racist. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton would have been marching outside.
This kind of church is a racist church. Obama did not wake up after 20 years and just discovered he went to a racist church. The church can't be about race. Jesus did not come for any particular race. He came for the whole world.
A church can't have a value system based on race. The churches value system has to be based on biblical mandate. It does not matter if its a white church or a black church its still wrong. Anyone from either race that attends a church like this would never get my vote.
Obama's former Pastor Jeremiah Wright is a disciple of liberal theologian James Cone, author of the 1970 book A Black Theology of Liberation. Cone once wrote: “Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.
Cone is the man Obama's mentor looks up to. Does Obama believe this?
So what does all this mean for the nation?
In the past when the Lord brought someone with the beliefs of Obama to lead a nation it meant one thing judgement.
Read 1 Samuel 8. When Israel asked for a king.
First God says 1 Samuel 8 v 9 Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do."
Then God says
1 Samuel 8 v 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king
you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day."
19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles."
21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the LORD. 22 The LORD answered, "Listen to them and give them a king."
Here is what we know for sure
God is not schizophrenic
He would not tell one person to vote for Obama and one to vote for McCain. As the scripture says a city divided against itself cannot stand, so obviously many people are not hearing from God.
Maybe I am the one not hearing but I know God does not change and Obama contradicts many things I read in scripture so I doubt it.
For all my friends who are voting for Obama can you really look God in the face and say Father based on your word, I am voting for Obama even though I know he will continue the genocidal practice of partial birth abortion.
He might have to nominate three or four supreme court justices, and I am sure he will be nominating liberal judges who will be making laws that are against you.
I also know he will continue to push for homosexual rights, even though you destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this.I know I can look the other way because of the economy.
I could not see Jesus agreeing with many of Obama's positions. Finally I have two questions for all my liberal friends.
Since we know someone's value system has to be placed on the nation,
1 Whose value system should be placed on the nation.
2 Who should determine that this is the right value system for the nation?
Huntley Brown

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Take a long, hard look......


Go to this site and take a good look. I have said it before, but there are a lot of things people really need to be informed about if they are thinking of voting for Barack Obama. So many things about him scare the pants off me and just going over the list makes me queasy. Maybe you know these things and maybe you don't, but make sure you know who you are voting for before you vote!
Anyone who is a Christian can clearly see that the things he stands for do not go along with what you believe about the Bible or Jesus Christ. This should be a no-brainer for anyone of Christian faith! Vote for things you believe are right, people!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I knew who I was before I was finished.....

I'm a Jacob! I found out through TwilightersAnonymous.com. Which Twilight Male Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

You’re down to earth, easy to please and people usually enjoy your warm company.
Although you form lasting relationships, those closest to you can be put off by your
stubbornness and temper. You can also be annoyingly persistent, but you are loyal
and would bravely defend those that you love.

I think it describes me to a T.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Big Nothin'

I just thought I would say sorry to all those who like to look at new pictures on my blog. My camera cord is acting wierd and I can't get it to connect to my computer. I ordered a new one and same thing. Not working. So, until I figure it out there won't be pictures (unless I take my card to Wal-Mart and get a CD or something-which may or may not happen anytime soon.) So there. That's the update.
Peace out!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

One of Them and One of Us

I got this e-mail from my grandma and I thought I would post it on my blog. I quite liked it, so here it is:

One wonders: What did Sarah Palin ever do to inspire the rage and bile that exploded on her selection by John McCain? What is there either in this woman's record or resume to elicit such feline ferocity?

What did we know of her when she was introduced?

That she was a mother of five who had brought into this world a baby boy with Down syndrome, thus living her Christian beliefs. That she was a small-town conservative who had risen from mayor of Wasilla (Pop. 9,700) to be governor of a state twice the size of Texas.

That she was a reformer who had dethroned an Old Boys' Network by dumping a sitting Republican governor. That she had taken on Big Oil, taxed the companies and returned the money in $1,200 checks to every citizen of Alaska. And that she had cut a deal with Canada to build a pipeline to bring natural gas to her fellow Americans.

And, oh, yes. She was "Sarah Barracuda" -- a fierce high school athlete, a runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant, a Feminist for Life and lifetime member of the NRA. Introduced by McCain, she praised Hillary Clinton and pledged to finish her work by smashing through the glass ceiling in which Hillary had made 18 million cracks.

What, in any or all of this, is there to justify the feral attacks within minutes of her introduction? What had she done to cause this outburst? Answer: absolutely nothing.

No. Sarah Palin is not resented for what she has done, but for who she is: a Christian conservative who believes unborn children are gifts of God, even those with birth defects, and have a God-given right to life.

Normally, the press is reluctant to rummage into the private lives of public servants, unless their conduct affects their duties or they preach virtues they hypocritically do not practice.

Yet, no sooner was Palin introduced, than the media went berserk over the news that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. As one in three births in America is out-of-wedlock and Hollywood celebrates this lifestyle, why did The New York Times and The Washington Post splash this "news" on page one above the fold?

How does Bristol Palin's pregnancy disqualify Sarah Palin to be vice president? Why is it even relevant?

They did it because they thought it would damage Sarah Palin in the eyes of a Christian community they do not comprehend.

So out of bounds was the media that Obama, in an act of decency, declared Palin's family off limits and reminded the media that he was himself born to a teenage single mom.

If one would wish to see the famous liberal double standard on naked display, consider.

Palin's daughter was fair game for a media that refused to look into reports that John Edwards, a Democratic candidate for president, was conducting an illicit affair with a woman said to be carrying his child and cheating on his faithful wife Elizabeth, who has incurable cancer. That was not a legitimate story, but Bristol Palin's pregnancy is?

Why did the selection of Sarah Palin cause a suspension of all standards and a near riot among a media that has been so in the tank for Barack even "Saturday Night Live" has satirized the infatuation?

Because she is one of us -- and he is one of them.

Barack and Michelle are affirmative action, Princeton, Columbia, Harvard Law. She is public schools and Idaho State. Barack was a Saul Alinsky social worker who rustled up food stamps. Sarah Palin kills her own food.

Michelle has a $300,000-a-year sinecure doing PR for a Chicago hospital. Todd Palin is a union steelworker who augments his income working vacations on the North Slope. Sarah has always been proud to be an American. Michelle was never proud of America -- until Barack started winning.

Barack has zero experience as an executive. Sarah ran her own fishing fleet, was mayor for six years and runs the largest state in the union. She belongs to a mainstream Christian church. Barack was, for 15 years, a parishioner at Trinity United and had his daughters baptized by Pastor Jeremiah Wright, whose sermons are saturated in black-power, anti-white racism and anti-Americanism.

Sarah is a rebel. Obama has been a go-along, get-along cog in the Daley Machine. She is Middle America. Barack, behind closed doors in San Francisco, mocked Middle Americans as folks left behind by the global economy who cling bitterly to their Bibles, bigotries and guns.

Barack has zero foreign policy experience. Palin runs a state that is home to anti-missile, missile and air defense bases facing the Far East, commands the Alaska National Guard and has a soldier-son heading for Iraq.

Barack, says the National Journal, has the most left-wing voting record in the Senate, besting Socialist Bernie Sanders. Palin's stances read as though they were lifted from Reagan's 1980 "no pale pastels" platform. And this is what this media firestorm is all about. –Pat Buchanan

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Big Week!

Well this week started off with me starting my job. Drew also started preschool and daycare at Koala Kids Academy at Melaleuca. The first day wasn't too bad actually. Drew did fine going to school and my first day went well......very busy. This week I figured out what I was in for at these apartments. Aparently the old manager was not doing her job (which is why she was fired). There is so much work to be done and things that were never done to begin with that I will be playing catch up from who knows when plus do the current work. It is a HUGE mess there. Anyway, at least I am the rescue insead of the one that made the mess.
Tuesday was the same only I had YW right after work and dinner. Doug and the kids came with us because it was a combined activity with the boys and they wanted to come. We hauled everyone's bikes and took a bike ride around the river and it was great! Afterward, one of the girls wanted hot chocolate so we went through the drive through at Starbucks (don't tell!). They have this awesome caramel apple cider that is like drinking a hot apple pie! That was my first time ever to Starbucks, but I'd have to say they make a good drink (not coffee!!). The rest of us had caramel hot chocolates. Mmmmmmm.....But we ended up getting home kindof late for a school night with little one's so it was a long and tiring day.
Dallin has had this wierd thing going on that is way too long to explain so I'll just say he was up the ENTIRE night long on Wed. night with diarrhea and a huge throw up at the end. He has had random wierd things going on all week with last Saturday night throwing up all night. So I was up most of the night with him on Wed. and then had to get up and go to work. I took Drew to school and he finally figured out by Thursday that we were going to leave him there all day and did not want to go! So I spent over 30 minutes at school trying to calm him down and make him feel better before I left. I was already exhausted so that just made me break seeing him so upset. I was almost sprinting to the front door to get out of there before I started bawling. He was screaming when I left, reaching his arms out to me and saying, "Mom, please don't leave me! Don't leave me!!". How are you supposed to take that kind of guilt?! Especially when you don't want to leave him.
Now that I am working, I can't just up and leave for Utah anymore. My sister, Jenasie had her wedding shower on Thursday night that I had to miss......sorry Jen, I love you! But congrats anyway! (I know, I suck)
Then Friday morning Doug woke me up around 6 a.m. telling me that Blair was at the hospital with his wife, Michelle, and that her water broke around 1 a.m.. Yay, he was having his baby! So I got up then to get ready so I could visit them before I had to go to work. I am the only one on Blair's side that is here in Idaho Falls, so I wanted to be there.
Dallin's doctor also wanted a STOOL SAMPLE because of his wierd symptoms this week, so he finally had a BM that morning so it was also a rush to fit taking poop to the lab within the hour, getting ready, getting Drew to school, getting Dallin out the door, going to see Blair at the hospital and getting to work......all before 9 and Doug needed me to put a check in the stinkin' bank too.
It was the same ordeal with Drew at school that morning too, only this time I didn't make it out of there before I broke down. I felt like an idiot crying. It was one of those that you just couldn't control and I tried to hold it back as much as I could while talking to one of the teachers there, but when I got out those doors and to my car, I just lost it. It felt like I was completely abandoning him. It was not this hard with Dallin when he went to daycare. This is bad.
So I get to work. Same old shniznit. Tons to do. Then at lunch time I had to go get Dallin from school because he wasn't feeling well. I had to call in with a sick kid for the rest of the day because Doug was in Island Park......too far away. Luckily I was able to be there when Blair had his baby.
That was the highlight of the week, of course! Oh, Blair was awesome! I was so dang proud of him. He was so good with Michelle, a great cheerleader and so supportive and loving to her. It was Blair in his best moment yet if you ask me. When that baby came, he was so happy and got all emotional. I can tell he is very excited to have his little man here. They are naming him Benjamin Elijah Hoxer. He was 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 20 inches. He was adorable! What a great moment being there with him in all his glory! I was proud. It is so touching seeing a little baby that was just in the presence of Heavenly Father. What a spirit that is there!
So my Dad and Marnae and my Mom came up too. Mom stayed the night at our house and was able to be here for Drew's birthday, which was today!
Drew. What a big boy he is! He turned 3 today and now I am going to cry again.....here we go. I don't like my babies growing up! He is so precious and small and happy and loving. They just don't stay that way forever. But, I am so proud to have him as my son and I love him with all I have. So happy birthday, Drew!
He got a fun package in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa Hoxer. That was so exciting for him! He also got a John Deere truck with a trailer that carries a tractor. (Same kind of thing he always wants......he likes those things the best). He also got a real cool Step 2 train table with a train that also has a table cover that they can use to color or do activities on. It is perfect for him and he loves it! That was courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa Kammeyer.
So, needless to say, it was an exhausting week and I am pooped! Going to bed......
I'll post pictures as soon as my camera will cooperate with me!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Did you know the Caldwell boys could do this???

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

I always knew my boys were talented, but this tops it all!

Here is a tribute to my Dad and Marnae.......doing what they do best!!!!! (As Doug would say, "Larry 'Dancey Boots' Hoxer")
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Sunday, September 14, 2008


So I got a job. It is at Palisades Park Apartments in Idaho Falls. I am the Manager. I start on Monday the 22nd. I don't have much to say, but I thought I would post that I got a job. Fun times.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I thought I would post the pictures we took tonight for young women's. We split into teams and had a picture scavanger hunt. We had a list of things we had to do or things that had to be in the pictures we took.
We had to have one of the girls making funny faces, one with a cowboy hat, one in or on a grocery cart, one with ducks, one on a trampoline, one on a slide and one in front of a flagpole
My team was Megan, Kandis and Ali and we had a blast driving around town as fast as we could (and running a few stop signs along the way-not on purpose!). We made a couple of wild U-turns too.
We did some running to get to some of the spots and do you think I could keep up with them??!!
I think we got some great shots! I'll post the other "cheater" team's pictures if I get them.
We called them cheaters because we thought we had to actually have real ducks in the picture, but they took a picture in front of ducks on a shower curtain! Our team went clear out to the river to get those REAL ducks. Makes for a better picture though!
Since we called them cheaters, they called us losers. I guess if the shoe fits.......
Well, it was lots of fun and hopefully you all enjoy the pictures! In case you are one of the girls, look up on my blog archive, there are some youth conference pics too!
That was fun guys!