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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jackson Hole '08

We took a trip to Jackson Hole in June and I never posted any pictures. We went with my Mom and Steve and my step-brother, James' family. It was sort of a bad weekend weather-wise. It was still very cold and snowy in some parts. Most of our plans were for outdoor activities and rain kindof dampened the fun. All in all we did get to do some fun things and we stayed at a sweet condo. It was nice to get away for a while and explore the area. We went to a real funny chuckwagon dinner with these cowboys singing songs. They were quite a crack up too. We rode the Alpine slide, which Dallin was so happy to do, and rode the Gondola up the Tetons. At the top it was windy and freezing though! We wanted to take a ferry ride in the park and hike, but that got nixed and so did the horseback riding idea and rafting was out of the question. I'm sure we will go again....it's not like it's that far from us anyway. I just wish we could have done more while the fam was with us!!! I don't have a ton of pics, but here are some.....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Drew's News

Ok, here's another funny that I remember. (Sometimes he says funny things and I don't remember to write them down.)
So Doug had heated up a Lean Cuisine or something and was sitting at the kitchen counter to eat it. It was like 3 in the afternoon so not lunch and not quite dinner either. Drew went and sat next to Doug at the counter and was hanging over Doug's food. He must have been hungry because he kept staring at the food and looking over Doug's shoulder at it. Drew says to Doug, "Do you like that?", and Doug says yes. Then Drew says, "I wanna like that!".
We both just cracked right up!
Until next time.....


Last weekend I went with Lindsey, Mom and Steve to St. George. We had lots of fun. When we got there we ate at the Pizza Factory and got ready to see 'The Sound of Music' at Tuacahn. It was real good but the heat was insane! When we got up at intermission, our butts were soaked with sweat! It just happened to be an extra hot night that night.

The next morning we went to get massages and that was so great after a 5 hour drive and then sitting at the musical for 3 hours. Sitting for so long gets my back all achy. OOOOOHHHH it was nice getting a massage! We then went back to the condo to get ready and took off to go shopping. We found some great deals at the outlets....especially the Children's Place. Talk about deals. Real nice shirts for $1.99 and shorts for around $2-$3. Plus I had a 15% off coupon to use too! I even found some shoes for Drew for church for $1.85. Can't beat that! So I spent like $70 and got the boys a whole new wardrobe! Sweet!

After shopping and eating at this great mexican restaurant, we took off again to see Les Miserables. Oh, I think that was the best show I have ever seen on stage! The atmosphere is amazing at Tuacahn and the show mixed with fabulous performances just made it the best and most touching thing I have ever seen. I wish Doug would have come with us, it is a must-see. I cried like 3 times! Anyway, I can't say enough about it.....I want to go again! We only took a few pictures while we were there. Linds and I shot a couple of pics outside the Tuacahn on our way in is all. But, here they are. Not much.
So anyway, I would make a point of seeing Les Miserables in St.George if you have the chance. It is well worth it!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

St. George

So I am leaving today and headed south for St. George for a few days. Me and my Mom and sister are gonna go hang out. We are going to see Sound of Music and Les Mis. at the sweet outdoor Tuacahn theater, getting massages and doing some shopping! I'm excited for the shows, my mom has seen Les Mis in London, I believe, and several other places and she said it was done the very best right here in good 'ol Utah at the Tuacahn!
It will be so nice just hanging with the girls, relaxing and being child-free for a weekend (that never happens!). If I take some pics, I'll be sure to post them.

Peace out, allabody! (We picked that one up from Dall when he was like 2 and mispronounced 'everybody')

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Family Picnic '08

We had a family picnic on Sunday in Ogden. Here are a few pictures. This one is me, my sister and my mom. I'll post a slide show when I get more of the pictures from my mom.

Here are just a few of the Kammeyer family studs.... I must say, we have some hot boys in the fam! (I can say that, I'm not blood!)
That's my brother, Blair, and my husband, Doug. Look at those two thinkin' they're all bad. Ha ha, they are cute little bro's!

I hate pictures of me. My face is whack since the Palsy (and not to mention the extra baggage...) but I have to post SOME, right?

Soccer Camp

Dallin has been attending a soccer camp this week. It is put on by some British guys through AYSO. Its funny, all the accents are great -they sound so proper! I tell the kids that they hang out with Harry Potter.

Today was "Wacky Wednesday" so they were supposed to do something crazy. We were too late last night to find some actual hair color so we tried food coloring, which washed right out. We then put some red jello in his hair and that worked wonders! Anyway, he had lots of fun getting dressed up this morning and LOVES his hair and face paint. I think these pictures turned out so cute....what a handsome man!

Lemonade Anyone?

Last week the kids wanted to have a lemonade stand. The good news is I had bought a big canister of Country Time Lemonade mix at Sam's Club the last time I was there (just for this purpose). I knew at some point Dallin would ask. I had plastic cups on hand too, so we went for it. Two of his friends, Brock and Connor, helped set everything up and sold lemonade with him on the corner. We are close to a busy street so it was perfect for selling. Anyway, they were troopers and sold a whopping $15 worth of lemonade. What's funny is they even made themselves a "TIP JAR" to get as much as they could! They crack me up.
I had our friend's little boy, Jackson, that day too so Drew, Jackson and I got a blanket and some toys and sat outside under one of our trees in the front yard so we could keep an eye on the big boys selling lemonade. It was fun and the kids loved it. Dallin will do anything to make a buck.
Speaking of making a buck, I have to tell you a funny story from a couple years back....
It was Christmas time and I was making sugar cookies for the neighbors. I made a plate for both of the neighbors on each side of us and told Dallin to take the cookies next door and tell them Merry Christmas. He comes back and still has a plate in hand. I asked if one of them wasn't home, and he said no, Mrs. Simpson next door didn't want the cookies. Well that made me a little mad. I was trying to be nice and she totally rejected my cookies! I thought she could at least take them and chuck them if she didn't really want them, right? Anyway, I was a little peeved and thought that was totally rude. The thing is, she was totally not like that so it was wierd.
Anyway, months later the subject of Dallin's entrepreneuereal spirit happened to come up with the neighbor who did take the cookies at Christmastime. She always got a kick out of Dallin and had wild stories to tell me all the time. So anyway, she said Dallin came to her door with a plate of cookies and asked her if she wanted to BUY any cookies! Can you believe that? He tried to SELL THEM to the neighbors!!! I about died.
That is when it clicked that Mrs. Simpson probably knew Dallin was up to something and didn't buy his cookies from him. The other neighbors DID buy his cookies!!! So, I asked Mrs. Simpson the next time I saw her and she said yes, Dallin tried to sell them to her and we laughed like crazy about it. She knew they were for her for Christmas because it had a BIG NOTE on the top of the plate that said, "Merry Christmas from the Caldwell's". She said it was pretty funny -Dallin thought he was pulling a fast one. The little turkey. He has always been one step ahead of the game. He was like 4 or 5 years old at the time. I thought it was pretty clever myself. Like I said, anything to make a buck!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

4 Wheelin' in the Snow!

Since I just started my blog recently, I thought I would post some pictures
of this last winter when we shoveled out a figure 8 through our entire back yard to
drive the 4-wheeler around.

We attached some sleds to the 4-wheeler to pull kids around....the neighborhood kids flocked to our house to pull each other! It was lots of fun!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Most recently finished book....

Fool Me Twice Fool Me Twice by Stephanie Black

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ok, this book was pretty cool! It caught my interest from the beginning and buit up from there. I usually expect that LDS writers of fiction will come up with some cheesy stuff, but this was surprisingly NOT! It had a great story line that was well put together and got very suspenseful. I really enjoyed this one! It kept me up til midnight last night to finish. That is when you know it's good....

View all my reviews.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dallin's T-Ball

I thought I would post some pics of Dallin playing T-Ball this year. I have been keeping the boy real busy with activities. He also had swim lessons, golf lessons, spring soccer, he's signed up for fall soccer in the fall, a soccer camp coming up next week, guitar lessons, Tennis starts after soccer camp, a smart-start football he is doing with Dad and a science camp he went to. Whew, talk about being a taxi driver!
I know it sounds bad like he is spoiled or something, but I am mostly doing it to get the kid more exercise and keep him off the couch and away from the pantry! He has no time to gain any more weight if I keep him busy, right? Also, it is kindof fun letting him experience all these new things. Now he will know what he is really interested in and can improve on what he actually likes to do. Another bonus is, I don't have to listen to the phrase "I'm bored" all day every day of the summer either. Anyway, hope ya like the pictures, isn't he a ham? And so sweet with his little brother trying to help him swing the bat!
I love my boys.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Are you dating the last person you made out with?
No, but we are married and we do go on dates like once a year…

Are you taller than your mom?
I think we are about the same height.

Have you ever broken your nose?

What woke you up this morning?
My Duggy hugging and kissing me before going to work!

Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most?
Of course, aren’t the ones we love the most also the ones who hurt us the most? At least that seems to be the trend. I can’t imagine someone who I didn’t care about at all being in a position to hurt me that bad!

Do you believe that you can change for someone?
If I want to that much, I’m sure I could. But, if you know me at all, you know I am an old dog who doesn’t learn new tricks very easily.

Who was the last person to call you babe?
Probably yesterday when a car full of hot guys yelled out their car window, “Hey, babe, you single?” . I mean, I get that almost every day, don’t you?

What are you doin’ tonight?
I’m trying to get this house de-cluttered! I’m tired of having so much CRAP that I don’t know what to do with! I told Doug I am going to be a minimalist and get rid of everything.

Have you ever seen somebody get shot?
No, eeeewww.

Whose bed did you sleep in last?
Mine, do you think I have several options or something?

What is your mood right now?
Well, I’m always tired, but at the moment I feel good being able to tune out all the crying and yelling going on around me.

Are you perfect?
Helllloooo!? Have you seen me lately?!?!

What is the last movie that you watched?
Wall-e. Kinda cute and the kids loved it but I paid too much money at this stupid theater here in IF that charged WAAAYYYY too much!

Can you throw a frisbee?
Of course, we have the best Frisbee ever!

Have you ever broken your arm?

Ever had a near death experience?
I don’t think so.

Kill or Be killed?
I think it depends on the person at hand. Probably kill.

What did you do today?
Read, took some toys to a second-hand store for $$$$, farted a few times (that one came from Doug, of course), got some ice cream with my boys……

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom. That is the only person who calls me.

Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?
Yes, when I was pregnant! Good times.

Love or money?
Love but money is good too!

Credit cards or cash?
Um I don't like to carry cash but credit cards are the devil's fingernails so I enjoy using my debit card

Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?

Where did you last sleep other than your house?
My Mom-in-Law’s house over the 4th weekend

Who was the last person you cried in front of
Doug, today.

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?

Do you swear a lot?
More than I should

Do you miss anyone?
I do. I miss lots of people!

Ever ridden a 4-wheeler?
Yes, we have a mini one we ride around our yard.

Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
I love it. I eat it up.

Is cheating ever okay?
Absolutely not

Is there someone you'd do anything in the world for?
I suppose the correct answer is my husband and kids.

Do you think they would do the same for you?
Yes, I actually do.

Have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it?
I totally had a major I love you moment with Doug today and really meant it more than I usually do.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Picture from this weekend....

Here is a new picture of us this weekend. My brother-in-law blessed his baby Sunday and we were all dressed up so we snapped a shot. I have to say, I have some pretty cute men in my life!

Here is a new Slide Show of 4th of July weekend!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Girls Camp

Well, last week I went to girls camp.
You know when you first get there, get all set up and have a few activities, you start thinking, "Wow, this is going by fast". Then after the second day is over, you start thinking, "When do we get to go home?". At least that's how the leaders felt.
So I guess I'll tell you about the hike we went on. We were in Darby Canyon just inside of Wyoming in the Tetons. It was absolutely beautiful there and the camp was amazing. Since we were scheduled for camp early this year, there was still some run-off from the snow and the hikes were all muddy still except one. So everyone went on the same hike. Anyway, each group went an hour apart and we were the last group to go. I was told this would be pretty easy, but when we got to the trail, it was going straight up! It seemed like it would still be ok and we passed the time by singing and chanting the whole way up so it kept our minds off how hard it was. But, after over two hours of serious uphill climbing (at least to me), we were starting to sound like little kids asking when we were going to be there. The Bishop and one of the High Couselors was leading the way, and they told us we had maybe 20 minutes left. We were glad to hear that, but we were getting very nervous because we hadn't seen any of the other groups coming BACK DOWN. That means the first group who was 2 hours ahead of our schedule was still up on that mountain! Ugh!
So we kept going and going and going.........
Probably another hour into this, we finally ran into the first group. They informed us that they never got to the destination. It just never came so they decided to head back. Can you imagine? I am so glad I wasn't in that first group of guinea pigs who hiked 2 hours more than us. When we heard that, we were already exhausted so we called it good and stopped to have lunch. So we are all eating and we notice 2 girls are missing. Apparently while the priesthood leaders were helping some of the girls cross a stream, the two girls went on ahead of the group. That means they were probably still hiking thinking there was a stopping point. So one of the other girls and another leader went up to fetch them. These two girls went so far up so fast that they were quite a ways up the mountain. They passed all the other groups and luckily there was one priesthood leader at the furthest point who was making sure nobody kept going past there. He told the girls to turn around. If he weren't there, those girls would have kept going!!! They went SO far.
You know when you are talking and distracted how you don't even realize how far you have walked? Well, that was us. The whole way up we had NO IDEA how far we had gone and going back down was torture! There were just enough inclines going back that we were dying to be done with this. Not only that, once we got to the end of the trail, we had to walk this LONG dirt road to even get back to camp. I about thought I would lose it. I was starting to get mad that they would actually make these girls do such a tough hike!
Well, that night was the night we performed our lip syncs (which we were all so tired to do), and the Stake leaders announced that they were sorry about the hike. They apparently got the information wrong on where they were supposed to take us and there was never going to be a destination!!! We could have kept walking FOREVER! So, I believe we ended up doing like 8 miles or something (That is a lot for me!). Crazy!
So needless to say, it took my body several days to recover from all that, I just don't torture myself enough these days to be in shape enough for that crap!

Oh, and since I mentioned the lip sync, I'll let you know our ward got the award for best lip sync! We rock! We did a basket toss, some gymnastics and lifts. Kinda fun when the girls are real talented and their leader was a cheerleader back in the day! I may not be small enough for someone to lift me anymore, but I was still strong enough to throw those girls around! They want us to perform it at the next ward party. We also had the best props thanks to me. (Pat myself on the back!) I painted some awesome suff, these are the pictures. Our theme was "The Little Mermaid". The crab was worn by the 2nd counselor who did the actual lip sync-ing and the girls traded off being the mermaid. I didn't actually draw the mermaid or the belly of the crab, but I made them look nice after they were drawn. I drew and painted the sea horse, snail, flounder and crab claws though.
Gonna go....
As Drew would say, "Peace"