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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tag, YO

One word tag

1. Where is your cell phone? Room
2. Where is your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair color? Blondie
4. Your mother? Sweet
5.Your father? Funny
6. Your favorite thing? Family
7. Your dream last night? Forgotten
8. Your dream/goal? Skinny
9. The room you’re in? Dark
10. Your hobby? House
11. Your fear? Family
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Millenium
13. Where were you last night? Caldwell's
14. What you’re not? Sexy
15. One of your wish-list items? Money
16. Where you grew up? O-town
17. The last thing you did? Eat
18. What are you wearing? Mismatched
19. Your TV? Big
20. Your pet? Drew
21. Your computer? Slow
22. Your mood? Thoughtful
23. Missing someone? Mom
24. Your car? Dirty
25. Something you’re not wearing? Underwear.....he he
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? Fun
28. Love someone? Definitely
29. Your favorite color? Turquoise
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday

I tag whoever reads this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Halloween, Trunk or Treat and Birthday!

Well, it is kindof late in posting these, but I thought everyone might want to see the kids' costumes and what we did. Dallin was a ROCKER and Drew was a SOLDIER. They both felt so cool, it was funny. My Mom was here for halloween and she had this cute mask she bought. She made me this yummy dinner I requested and also a pumpkin cake roll for dessert! Ooh it was so yummy, I hardly ever get that. She went way out of her way to make my day special and make me feel loved, so thanks Mom, I'm glad someone loves me (and I am glad I have you!).

We also went to the Trunk or Treat at our church and we had lots of fun! We hauled all of Dallin's friends from our neighborhood with us and I hope they all had a good time. I think they did. They are awesome kids!
We took some pictures of the kids collecting candy and playing at the carnival.

And here are the most beautiful young women I have ever seen! I especially like the shirts......ha ha, I bought them. They are all such awesome girls and I love them and am so proud of their testimonies and activity in the church. They are such an example to me! All in all it was a fantastic B-day. Probably one of the best in recent years. I enjoy being with my family and seeing how excited the kids are and how big they are getting. Dallin just took off this year without me and ditched us for his group of friends. What a big kid he is becoming. I love him.

Also, here is a book review I wanted to add to the Halloween post:
Snappy Little Halloween Snappy Little Halloween by Derek Matthews

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
We have had this book since Dallin was little, and we absolutely love it. It was Dallin's favorite and now it is Drew's favorite too! I have to read it to him like 5 times a day. All the other "Snappy Little" books are fantastic too. Best pop-ups ever! I just ordered the Christmas one on Barnes and Noble.com for $5.95 as a bargain book. They will go fast at that price I'm sure so hurry and get yours! Aren't I a great salesperson? They should hire me.

View all my reviews.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Grandma Hoxer's Funeral

My sweet Grandma Hoxer died last week. She was healthy as a horse so it was quite the shocker. She had a headache all morning but apparently went tap dancing, then went shopping for a car and when she went to leave again, she got in her car and never pulled out. She had suffered a major aneurism. A neighbor noticed her hunched over in the car and called an ambulance. When she got to the hospital she was pretty much gone. They had her on a respirator until the family all arrived.
Once everyone got there that could come, they met with the Doctor. He said there was nothing that could be done for her and the family made the decision to take her off the respirator and let nature take its course. She actually started breathing again when it was taken out, which was a surprise. Her heart kept beating for like 4 more hours or so and she finally quit breathing.
The funeral was great (I think). My Dad asked if I would speak and give a tribute to Grandma. I was glad that they asked me, I was grateful for this last chance to do something for her. I wasn't as close to her as I would have liked to be, so it was very sad. But, I do have to hand it to Lindquist Mortuary.....I have never seen anyone look that great in a casket! She looked absolutely fantastic. Her skin color looked great and there wasn't much makeup caked on. I was totally impressed. It just looked like she was laying there. So thank you, Lindquists, for that.
My cousin, Abby, read the obituary. My sister played the violin, there were several musical numbers, and me, Marnae, Jenasie, Lindsey, Abby, and and Marnae's niece, Amy all sang a couple of songs. Amy and my other cousin, Starlene, accompanied with the flute and piano-they are so talented. Grandma would have loved it.
Grandma loved music the most. Most of her funeral was just enjoying the music she loved. The good news is that we have a testimony that we will see her again and that our family is sealed for eternity. It is very sad, but having a knowledge of the gospel definitely helps. I want my Dad to know I love him and I am so sorry he is hurting right now. I hate seeing him so upset, it just breaks my heart. I wish I could make it all better, but I love you dad!

It WAS very nice seeing the whole family again and experiencing a spritual time with them.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Snow of the Year

Dallin with his friends, Brock and Sara, making snow forts for "battle".

Welcome Benjamin Elijah Hoxer!

Here is the newest member of our family! Blair's wife had his baby on Sept. 26 and it was just such a great experience being there with my little bro.

What a special little baby he is, we are so happy to have a new cousin and nephew. We know Ben will grow up to be strong and smart and healthy. We love you Ben!

Happy Birthday Drew!

Here are some belated birthday pictures of Drew's birthday.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Skipping Rocks by the River

One Sunday afternoon we took a drive up to the South Fork area to have a picnic and enjoy the beautiful Snake River.

We had a fun time playing around in the water....it was freezing!

Doug was showing Dallin how to skip a rock in the water and Drew found a buried car.

We ate some lunch, went exploring and had a great time.....Dallin even got caught off guard by a big snake that was about a foot away from him!

Apple Pickin'

We finally have pictures to put up! I am a little behind, so you will be seeing things from the past few months that I am posting. Anyway, this is us picking apples from our apple tree.
Once we got all the apples picked, we worked hard making applesauce and canning it!
The boys had fun picking the apples, and had even more fun smashing the apples with the grinder and seeing all the "guts" come out.
Our applesauce turned out yummy and it was a fun time with Grandma Kammeyer!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dallin's Darndest

So last week was the Primary Program, I'm sure you are all aware. Dallin had a speaking part that we practiced over and over and over. When he got to the pulpit to say his part, he did fine until he forgot Elder Uchdorf's name. He stood there blank with an embarrassed smile on his face for a second then says quietly to himself (in the microphone so everyone could hear), "Oh, what's his naaaammmme?" and the whole congregation busted up laughing. Then someone came to his rescue and he proceeded with the remainder of his part. When he was finished he puts his mouth right to the microphone with a big old smile and says, "OK. BYE BYE!" real loud and that just topped off the whole thing. I was laughing so hard I was crying and my face was SO red! People around me were laughing and looking at me to see my reaction to that one.
Then while they were singing "Called to Serve", he was marching like a soldier the entire song. Then when it was finished, he stops marching and gives a big salute at the end.
After sacrament people were just cracking up and coming up to us and saying thanks for having Dallin here to give them a good laugh for the day! I just said, "Leave it to Dallin to entertain everyone". What are we gonna do with that little stinker?


My cute sister Lindsey announced Friday that she is expecting another bubba! Here is what she sent everyone via text message. Blair thought it was just her Halloween costume. But HOOORRRRAAAAYYYY! Can't wait to see the little monster!