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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Breaking Dawn Review

Breaking Dawn (Twilight Series, Book 4)
Just got done reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. It was good, but it got a little more far-fetched than the others. I do like that Jacob isn't in AGONY any more! I didn't know how that was going to get any better and she provided a great solution in the book, although I still think Jacob and Bella somewhat belonged together. .
I think I liked Jacob better for her, or maybe he was just more MY type, but she was just hanging on to Edward! I love Jacob's grouchy attitude, personality and hilarious comments. The thing I liked the very most in the book was the chapter headings for the book on Jacob. Flippin' funny is what that was! But, all in all a great ending for the characters we all love....


Stacy said...

I'm sure I'll leave another comment once I finish with the book (page 486 right now), but I agree I loved reading from Jacob's point of view! And his chapter headings were so funny, my favorite was, "Why didn't I just walk away? Oh right, because I'm an idiot." Ha ha! She should write more books about him :)

Caldwells said...

I agree....Jacob's parts are funny.

Lindsey said...

k we are WAY too much alike. I wanted her to end up with Jacob too!!! hahaha Freaky.

Caldwells said...

All I can say is: SISTERS, Lu. We may be miles apart but we will still pick the same things.

Katie said...

I just bought it on ebay, so hopefully it will get here quick, yay! A few other people I´ve talked to have said the same thing, that they like Jacob better. I think it is because every time she talks about Edward, she mentions his pale face, icy hands and stone cold lips. Ick, who wants to kiss a cadaver. But True Love is True Love...