So I had Drew potty trained a LONG time ago. Now for the past 2 months or so he has decided it is too much for him to get up in the night and go so we have had lots of wet beds and started putting him back in diapers at night.
I am so frustrated! Why has he gone back? Not only did he start the nighttime problem a while back, but then he started randomly having "accidents" in his undies during the day. "It was just a little bit" , he says.......
Then he starts getting to the toilet more, but waits until it is an EMERGENCY and is peeing as he is pulling his pants down in the bathroom leaving me with pee all over the toilet and floor and wherever it happens to land.
Want to CUSS now!
Now here is the kicker: This little turd has started running outside during the day. I think he is going out to ride his bike or play. Yes, he does do those things, but he ALSO runs outside, pulls down his pants and PEES OFF OUR FRONT PORCH! This little habit started last week at some point and he won't stop. If he can run to the front porch, why can't he run to the bathroom? Why is my child all of a sudden having this peeing issue??? Is he emotionally disturbed? WHAT'S WRONG HERE??? Any input would be great.
That totally sucks. All I can say is that Amanda went thru an accident phase, too, and she only stopped wearing pullups at night 2 years ago. REALLY. Gabe had problems last year (4 yrs old), and I had to threaten to put him back in diapers if he didn't go AS SOON as he felt it, and I'd tell the whole family he was wearing diapers again. After that, he got praise every time there was no pee in his undies when he went, and got a treat at the end of the day if they stayed dry. GOOD LUCK!! =\
As for the peeing off the porch? Sorry for laughing, but, you gotta admit you'd laugh too if it WEREN'T your kid! LOL Did he see someone else pee in public and thought it was ok?
well at least you had a few months of freedom, I haven't had a break since he was born.. and it doesn't look like I will for another four years or so... so that sucks but I can't say I feel bad for you! gwa ah ah ah jk! Maybe he misses the attention from having you changing him?? I donno...
OK, first reaction.....hahahaha! I can just picture him peeing off the front porch.... and I'll be back for a more thought through second reaction.
Ha ha, you people are hilarious. Stacy, you crack me up!
Hi Karie! That is a hilarious story. Peeing off the porch or in public is totally a man thing. It gives me flashbacks to all the men peeing off the side of the road in Japan...and China actually. Except both men and women did it there. Anyway! I sent you an email the other day wondering if you guys wanted to come over for hot dogs and hamburgers this weekend and haven't heard back. We'll have to catch you another time. Have a good weekend!
Ha ha! That picture is funny. I wish you luck. One of my sisters boy had the hardest time. He would go on his carpet when he knew he was dead meat if he did. Stinker!! She told him if he did it again he had to wear a diaper all day and nothing else. It seemed to work. Good luck!!
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